Central Florida Advanced Nursing Practice Council

BOARD Positions ARE NOW Available for the 2025-2026 Upcoming Year!

Posted 4 months ago by Samuel Realista

Hello All Active CFANPC Members!

I am sending out role descriptions for your review and consideration.  Be Bold, make a name for yourself and build your CV. Be Brave, chair a committee and volunteer a friend to serve on the committee with you!  The current Board is dedicated to your smooth transition and success. Board positions are listed for review below:

President’s Duties: serve as the CEO of the Council, bylaws chairperson and be responsible for maintaining and calling for reviews of the bylaws. The President shall be chairperson of and preside at all meetings.

Vice-President’s Duties: perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice-President shall be considered the president-elect and shall assume the office of President at the end of the term.

 Secretary’s Duties: keep the minutes of all meetings and conduct all correspondence and prepare the Executive Board meeting minutes in a timely manner and send to the President for review before the next Executive Board meeting; prepare the monthly Membership meeting minutes in a timely manner and send to the President for review before the next Membership meeting and post in the website to all members subsequently. The members shall approve these minutes at the following Membership meeting. The Secretary shall make reports as determined by the officers.

The Secretary-elect shall assist the Secretary and perform his/her duties in his/her absence or as needed and shall assume the office of Secretary at the end of the term.

 Treasurer’s Duties:  in charge of the funds and records, oversees the accounting procedures for handling of funds, responsible for the disbursement of funds, report on the financial status at each Executive Board meeting, keep a register of all members of the Council and send an updated membership list by electronic mail to all Board members before each Board meeting. The Treasurer shall file the Florida Corporation Annual Report in the month of March of each year, be the Registered Agent before the Florida Department of State Division of Corporation, send the annual financial report to the Board members by electronic mail and submit the next annual budget forecast at the November Board meeting.

The Treasurer-elect shall assist the Treasurer and perform his/her duties in his/her absence or as needed and shall assume the office of Treasurer at the end of the term.

Nominating Committee shall prepare the slate of nominees for elected offices. Also shall collect their bio for placement at the CFANPC website.

 Membership Committee shall assure all paid members meet the qualifications for membership and are eligible to attend meetings as designated by invitation availability.

Hospitality Committee shall promote the growth of the Council’s membership. They shall assist with Membership meetings sign in table and distribution of meeting materials.

Education/Program Committee shall arrange for speakers for the membership meetings, including assistance with venue, invitations, and sponsors.

Website Committee shall publish quarterly newsletters and assist with CFANPC site enhancement and maintenance.

Legislative Committee shall serve as a liaison between the Florida Nurses Association and the CFANPC. They shall attend legislative meetings periodically and provide current legislative issues to the members.

Scholarship Committee shall coordinate the selection of the individuals to be awarded according to the Executive Board decisions. They shall revise criteria, policy, and procedure for the scholarship to be voted by members periodically.

Executive Board Positions

Vice President



Committee Chair Positions

Nominating Committee

Membership Committee

Hospitality Committee

Education Committee

Website Committee

Legislative Committee

Scholarship Committee

Please contact myself or the President (Aixa Catala-Beauchamp) 

for information or to nominate yourself! 

Sharon Parrish

Email: sharonparrishnfl@gmail.com

CFANPC Nominations Chair

*****Please carbon copy(cc) the President Aixa-Catala Beauchamp on your email: aixacatala@yahoo.com


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